Contoh Teks Pidato Persuasif Kelas 9

Hey everyone! Recently I’ve stumbled across some cool pictures I wanted to share with you. They’re about persuasive writing for students in grades 8 and 9. I thought these images were pretty awesome, and great for learning! Soal Teks Pidato Persuasif Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 This image is filled with questions related to persuasive writing … Read more

Teks Pidato Bahasa Arab Tentang Akhlakul Karimah

Teks Pidato Bahasa Arab Tentang Akhlakul Karimah

Pidato—an Indonesian term for speeches—is one of the key tools used by leaders to convey their message and keep the public informed. Whether in Arabic, Javanese, or another language, a well-crafted speech can provide important guidance and inspiration to the listener. Here are two examples of beautiful speeches in different languages. Teks Pidato Bahasa Arab … Read more

Teks Pidato Upacara Hari Senin

As one of the most important days in Indonesia, August 17th marks the day of independence. Every year, the country celebrates large with parades, children’s games, and of course, the grand flag-raising ceremony. On this day, many Indonesians deliver a speech to commemorate their independence. Teks Pidato Upacara Bendera Hari Senin – Berbagai Teks Penting … Read more

Perbedaan Teks Ceramah Dan Pidato

Perbedaan Teks Ceramah Dan Pidato

White people and the way they perceive days can be essential in contributing how those days and holidays are celebrated, this includes both religious holidays such as Christmas and more localised holidays such as the National Day. As an example we can look at how different holidays may be celebrated with different ceremonies and rituals, … Read more

Teks Pidato Tentang Akhlakul Karimah

Teks Pidato Tentang Akhlakul Karimah

Have you ever heard of the term “akhlakul karimah”? Perhaps you’ve heard people referring to as it as an important cultural or community concept, or a conversation starter between family members. Well, whatever you’ve heard, it’s actually a narrow and beautiful concept within many religious communities and societies. In the simplest terms, akhlakul karimah (which … Read more