Jelaskan Yang Dimaksud Penutup Dalam Teks Pidato

Jelaskan Yang Dimaksud Penutup Dalam Teks Pidato

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A text review is a format of writing used to evaluate a piece of work. It can be used to assess anything from a book or film to a website or blog post. It is a useful way to provide feedback to the creator or to share insights with an audience. Writing an effective text review involves more than just expressing an opinion — it requires a careful evaluation and critical thinking to offer a meaningful and useful assessment.

Table of Contents

What is Evaluative Writing?

Using a text review, you can provide an evaluation of a text’s strengths and weaknesses, its content and its purpose. An evaluative review is different from a synopsis since it offers more insight into the work’s merits and flaws. Critics tend to use evaluative reviews more than layfolks since they have a greater understanding of the finer details — but anyone can learn the basics.

What Goes into an Evaluative Review?

When writing an evaluative review, there are key aspects of the text that should be discussed. The overall purpose of the text should be identified, as well as its structures and arguments. The writing style should also be considered and you may compare the text to another. You can use evidence and ideas from the text to back up your observations and conclusions, and you should remain impartial throughout the evaluation.

Examples of Evaluative Writing

Let’s look at two examples of evaluative writing. The first is an image of a text discussing herarchy of land ownership rights in South East Asia, while the second is a photo of a text discussing the importance of protecting the environment in Asia. In both cases, you can identify the overall purpose of the texts and discuss their structure, argument and evidence.

South East Asia Map discussing Herarchy of Land Ownership Rights

The first example is a map of South East Asia discussing herarchy of land ownership rights. The purpose of this text is to provide an overview of the different levels of land ownership rights in South East Asia, from communal rights to private rights. The text is well structured, as it presents information in a visually easy to understand manner. It also outlines the legal protected rights that come along with the different levels of ownership. The argument that is presented is that land ownership rights in South East Asia is hierarchical and complex, with different rights and protected laws accompanying each level.

Asia Map discussing importance of protecting the environment.

The second example is a map of Asia discussing the importance of protecting the environment. This text outlines land and marine habitats that are particularly vulnerable and in need of protection. It also looks at the industry and development practices that impact these habitats, and the dangers these activities present to the environment in the region. The argument presented is that there is a need for greater protection of natural habitats in Asia due sustainable practices, in order to protect valuable species and resources. This text also looks at possible solutions that could be implemented to protect and manage development on at-risk habitats.

Evaluative writing in the form of text reviews can help to offer a critical assessment of a range of texts. It requires an understanding of the text’s overall purpose, structure and arguments, as well as evidence from the text to back up your observations. You can use evaluative writing to review texts from any subject, as long as you have the necessary background knowledge or information to do so.

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